Monday 11 June 2012

Islam in Biology

Islam is everywhere..... Biology is one of the best way to see the beauty of Islam.


Assalamualaikum and very good day to all!!

Now you can get extra biology from us. Please go to our contact page. We are ready to help you to know biology better.


Assalamualaikum and very good day  to all viewers,

It is a new alternative for you either you are learning biology for exam or not.

You can view the biology slide show of the day, the exam papers from various sources  and the biology stuff in our daily life.

Biology is fun and we face it daily, every  minute and every second in our life.

Biology is not about examinations, biology is about learning the living process in ourselves and surrounding us.

By knowing and learning biology, we will see the Mighty of our Creator...

Enjoy biology!!!!